Monday, July 23, 2012

Pelican Die-Off, Bait Fish and El Niño

Typical Brown Pelican Fish Dive
The Brown Pelican has had a successful breeding season in 2012 and are now showing up in significant numbers along the California Coast.
Young juveniles, first year birds however are showing signs of trouble. Many are emaciated and starving and many are filling the local bird rescue stations for treatment. Scientist have not come up with an explanation yet. It could just be a successful breeding season, coupled with limited resources is just a natural culling of the weaker individuals.

Fisheries in Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay are reporting low volumes of of anchovy and sardines, bait fish that are a staple food for the Brown Pelican.

Probably unrelated, but NOAA has issued an El Niño Watch because of water temperature fluctuations in their model predictors. The last significant  El Niño event was the winter of 1996-97. Having lived on the coastside at that time, I'm seeing subtle changes in temperature and fog distribution this summer similar to what I experience in 1996.
I will continue to monitor the Brown Pelican situation on the coast and report any new information. If you come across any Brown Pelicans acting strangely or in need of help, please call this number 1-866-945-3911, Thank you!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our Beach Watch team spotted this Luecistic Black Oyster Catcher at Franklin Point on the Northern California coast in 2009. Since then we have seen it occasionally in the same area for the last 3 years. It seems likely it was a first year or hatch year bird in 2009. It's age today is probably 3-4 years. It seems to be thriving well!

Monday, June 11, 2012

"anthropogenic fingerprint"

Practicing Nessun Dorma for Princeton Has Talent
A new study was published in Nature Climate Change finds  "anthropogenic fingerprint" (human influence) on our warming oceans. This is in line with my argument of Global Destruction most certainly human influenced, see my previous post December 14, 2011.
I'd like to start a dialog about climate change, global destruction and the role of large multi national corporations as well as cultural and political factors contributing to the rapid decline of planet earth. Please join the discussion and air you views on these issues?  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pillar Point Harbor

Red-breasted Merganser in Flight
Today at Pillar Point Harbor there was 5 Common Loons, 4 Red-breasted Mergansers, and a Great Blue Heron trying to snag a Whimbrel!
The Great Blue slowly crept up on the Whimbrel. I knew the intention of this stalk and was nervious for the Whimbrel. I was almost tempted to warn the Whimbrel, when it launched into flight.

I also spotted what appeared to be a stranded Northern Fur Seal pup. I called Marine Mammal Center, and they were going to investigate!

Finally the Whimbrel gets wise!
Great Blue Eyeing Whimbrel

Northern Fur Seal Pup