Tech-Giveth Taketh Away #1
I use Chromecast on my Sony TV screen in my bedroom, to display the screen saver when not casting. The screen saver changes pictures about once per minute. On the screen is a clock and temperature display. At 79 my eyesight is not great, the clock size has been a large readable size since I first added Google Home! Today my clock size became miniature, not readable for old eyes. Sooo this seems like an easy fix, any junior high kid could easily set the code for this. I'm now about an hour into this task with zero results. The Google Home App..... no useful information, Google search, the usual dead ends, IPhone settings, zilch information. So how else am I going to waste my time today, I have no patience for nonsense, so as usually the case, I'll just live with it. Tech-Giveth Taketh Away!
Update: About 1 week later, miraculously my clock size went back to a readable size, halleluiah, Tech Hath Giveth Back, problem is, they are Indian Givers!
Tech-Giveth Taketh Away #2
We all buy books, I tend to buy and keep Text books and Reference books. About 3 years ago I bought a Bird Reference book that is available as an App for a minimal purchase fee. I used this app in the field quite often, although I have several reference books. One day, my app would not work, and after a little research, I found the app owner wanted money to upgrade my app. I'm not sure what that fee was, about $10-$15 per year. So basically they are saying, they now want the original purchase price of the book/app every year!
Tech-Giveth Taketh Away #3
Most people don't realize this yet, but next time they purchase a new vehicle, although they paid full price they will never own it! Here is how it used to work. You buy a brand new 1999 Ford sedan. You hand over the purchase price to the Ford Corporation, they give you the car and title. That ends your relationship with the Ford Corporation. With proper maintenance and good supply of spare parts, it's possible to keep this car for years. Now let's look at how this works today 2025. Almost all new cars are heavily reliant on software, especially EV's and Hybrids. Even ICE's are reliant on software to keep the car running smoothly. Some people even describe EV's as Smart Phones on wheels. The software is owned and controlled by the manufacturer, troubleshooting, updates, new revisions are supplied to you thru remote technical centers. However there is a significant cost to you for updates, revisions, and subscriptions. If at sometime in the future, you decide the latest up-date or revision is a little too costly, there is not much you can do, pay for the update or try to sell. If you don't update the software, the vehicle more than likely malfunction and become useless. Nobody will buy it because it's old technology. It's much like the predatory behavior of corporations like Microsoft and Google. When they come up with major updates, they stop support for the old products, and soon they no longer function!
Welcome to the future of your high-tech spiffy new car. Just like their computers they will nickel and time you with updates, subscription and threats, and if you don't like it, there is absolutely nothing you can do! Welcome to the world of Tech!
Tech-Giveth Taketh Away #4
Many people now use face recognition software to log into accounts. Very convenient, fast and hassle free when it works. Recently I went to log-in to such an account and instead of face recognition it asked for my password. Now that's the very reason I use face recognition, so I don't need to remember a password. Now instead of doing my work, I need to waste my time looking for a password. If this kind of crap doesn't work 100% of the time, I don't want it. This seems to be the way of Tech!