Wild Bay Area Photography is dedicated to wild life and landscapes in and around the San Francisco Bay Area.Jack Sutton provides the stunning images that grace the galleries of www.wildbayarea.com.
Quote of the Day: I support our troops by not supporting the war criminals that put them in harms way! ....
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Blogger Site is Awful to Use!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Perpetual Summer Continues Coastside!
Cloud Formation Pillar Point Harbor |
Cloud Formation Fitzgerald Marine Reserve |
Monday, October 21, 2013
Bird Blizzard Half Moon Bay California
Bird-a-palooza |
Lots of bait fish, anchovies and sardines have been abundant around Half Moon Bay recently. On some days there are thousands of birds feeding in a frenzy, a sight to see and hear. The birds include the Brown Pelican, Elegant Terns, Western Gulls, Heerman's Gulls, California Gulls and further out Shearwaters, Surf Scoters, and Bottlenose Dolphins. This photo was taken on September 10th, 2013. This is such a contrast to last year, where a lack of food devastated the Pelican population especially the juveniles. I hope to never see that sad spectacle again!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Blue-footed Visitors from the Galapagos
Blue-footed Booby, Cove Beach |
After getting a report from Peninsula Birds about the Blue-footed Booby at Cove Beach, I went on down Wednesday 9/18 to Cove Beach about 1 pm. Sure enough on the west end near the surfer area was the juvenile booby sitting on the rocks where the corms and BRPE hang out. I was able to observe the bird for about ½ hour before it flew, see picture. The lighting was horrible but, hey it’s a BFBO, a good day for sure!
Blue-footed Booby Flight |
Here is some more information on the California event from the Joe Morlan Blog:
Status in California
Until this year, there were 114 previously accepted records of Blue-footed Booby in California. The species was removed from the CBRC review list in 1974 because it was thought to be of regular occurrence. It was restored in 1986 when it became apparent it was no longer a regular or expected visitor to the state. Major invasions occurred in 1969 (32 birds) and 1972 (at least 45 birds), but over 40 years have passed since then. Now we are experiencing what appears to be the largest invasion ever with more than 18 birds together at Obsidian Butte (Salton Sea), more than 10 on Anacapa Island and up to 7 at Playa Del Rey. Birds have been seen as far north as Bodega Head in Sonoma County, and one was reportedly photographed at Mono Lake. .
There has been considerable speculation about the cause of this invasion. It seems likely to be related to food resources with sardine stocks being over-fished in the Gulf of California by purse seine fishing and reported declines in anchovy off the California Coast.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
In-Seine Squid
Mineo Bros Squid Boat unloading at Johnson's Pier, Pillar Point Harbor, California. |
Normally about 80% of California squid is harvested in Southern California mostly around the Channel Islands with the rest coming from Monterey. This year the squid returned in massive numbers again near Half Moon Bay and suddenly many squid boats from the west coast and Canada descended on the Pillar Point Harbor. Fish and Wildlife has set a yearly quota of about 118,000 tons which amounts to about $70,000,000! A typical squid boat can net about 80-150 tons of squid which can be worth up to $90,000. During a recent survey of the harbor I spied about 7 non-local boats.
Container of Ice and Squid |
I'm not an expert on fishing or squids but I'm very interested in local activities in and around the coastside. I often hang out at the harbor, something about a genuine working fishing village draws my interest. If you hang around the harbor long enough something interesting and exciting will happen such as the squid bloom now, or a sinking or rescue at sea, world class surfing at Mavericks, and the constant arrivals and departures of exotic birds from around the world.
Purse Seine are large long nets that hang vertically in the water like a fence. A small skiff holds one end in place while a larger 'seiner' vessel encircles a school of fish or squid. A rope along the net bottom is then pulled "pursing" the net- closing of the seine bottom like a drawstring. A successful set may yield a harvest of about 40 tons. Much squid fishing is done at night. The boat locates the squid using sonar and powerful lights mounted on the boat draw the squid to the surface for netting.
Purse Seine Fisheries |
Pillar Point Harbor is well equipped to handle large quantities of squid and has streamlined the process. At Johnson Pier Morningstar Fisheries uses a vacuum system to off load the boats. The squid are put in large containers filled with ice and loaded onto large tractor trailer trucks and hauled down to Southern California Seafood of Watsonville. 95% percent of the squid is exported and 70% goes to China.
It can be a very chaotic scene on the pier with several forklifts speeding around at break neck speed. I've seen angry forklift operators yelling warnings to tourist that inadvertently wander into the midst of the operation. I'm thinking why don't they cone off the pier during these times as most tourist on the pier don't have a clue as to what's going on.
Squid Loading at Pillar Point Harbor |
Squid distribution is dependent on water temperature and there have been attempts to relate squid movement with El Nino. The last big El Nino event occurred in 1996-97 and this was a big squid year around Half Moon Bay. That year the winter rains doubled it's usual average with San Francisco getting about 40 inches of rain. According to NOAA this year and into early 2014 we are looking at ENSO neutral variability meaning no El Nino or La Nina are expected.
Lady J from Monterey Off-loading Squid Johnson Pier |
Some similarities between 1997 and today from my personal observations are, more bait fish (from bird observations), more squid, and an unusual humid spell! It will be interesting to see what this winter brings weather wise, as we have just come off two years in a row with below normal rainfall.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Why are we allowing our planet to be destroyed?
Photo by Chris Jordan http://www.chrisjordan.com/gallery/midway/#CF000313%2018x24 |
Climate Change Deniers try very hard to spin scientific data in such a way as to acquit mankind as being the cause of any negative impact on this planet. We can eliminate the scientific data and thus the spin by rearranging the terminology slightly demoting Climate Change to a sub-set of Global Destruction. In a past blog post Global Destruction I outlined how the widespread destruction of our planet is readily visible to anyone who cares to look. I used a few examples, such as the 5 Ocean Gyres, Mountaintop Removal and Coral Reef destruction. The photo on the left is a graphic example of wildlife destruction directly attributable to our careless disrespect for this planet and it's inhabitants. Do we need some fancy scientific study to understand this? I think anybody even young children gets what's going on here! Chris Jordan did a photo essay titled Midway: Message from the Gyre showing the results of Albatross ingesting plastic at Midway Atol. He is currently working on a film of this project and the trailer can be viewed at Midway Trailer.
Large corporations are taking engineering principles and
resources to scales that would boggle the mind just a few years
ago. Of major concern are the extents that energy companies are
resorting to squeeze the last remaining petroleum reserves out of
the bowels of our planet using extraction methods that threaten
the very existence of some of the last pristine areas on the
planet. There is no concern for depleting world resources at an
exponential rate but rather the attitude is, we can keep making
the same mistakes as always and just find faster and more extreme
methods of sucking the dregs of the fossil fuel reserves. Rather
than ask, what are we doing wrong, and how can we change and
correct the course we are on? It’s just easier to “keep on
keeping on” and patch it all up thru technology. This ensures there is no disruption
of the oil and the money that fattens the pockets of the greed
barons and the puppet politicians that green light any and all
absurdity. It seems that this kind of ignorance is not only born
out of greed but also the religious doctrine that teaches the
earth is just a temporary playground to be abused at will, and
mankind will be rewarded with a new hallucination complete with
pearly gates and unlimited voluptuous virgins with perpetually
spread legs!
Who's Watching Earth? |
Representative John Shimkus of Illinois insists we shouldn't
concerned about the planet being destroyed because God promised
Noah it wouldn't happen again after the great flood. He made this
comment in March 2009 speaking before a House Energy Subcommittee
on Energy and Environment. Speaking of the Artic
National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Ted Stevens, former senator from
Alaska, held up a blank white sheet of paper equating that to
ANWR and calls the refuge "an empty, ugly place". Perhaps
it's time to require people seeking public office to pass some
kind of IQ test and demonstrate some rudimentary
understanding of science.
Geo Engineering:
Now a new battalion of John Henry Hammer Heads have joined the
mad fray under the delusion that the planet can be saved (and a
lot of money made) thru geo-engineering. Again, the attitude here
is screw fixing what’s broke, were so smart, nothing is
impossible to accomplish. This would not be so worrying
if these ego maniacs were just small fry bozos with no authority
to act. However big money brokers are hatching hair brained
schemes and convincing lots of folks of their sincere dedication
to saving the planet. When considering the large energy
companies, there is an illusion that they are somehow regulated
by governments and held responsible for their actions. Careful
analysis of the BP spill will totally debunk that notion. It
seems more likely the US Government agencies such as the EPA are
regulated by BP rather than the other way around.
Is There Any Hope?
More than likely the ocean clean-up project will be the most ambitious, costly, complicated and far reaching engineering endeavor ever accomplished by human-kind! I can envision the largest floating vacuum cleaning type vessels ever conceived sucking debris from the gyres, separating and isolating the plastic particulate to be recycled into green beneficial products. Then again it may look totally different but whatever is necessary to disappear the gyres needs to be fast-tracked now! It’s encouraging to see grocery store shoppers finally stripped of plastic bags and now outfitted with re-usable bags. It took the people of the state of California for example to ban plastic bags in places such as San Francisco, San Mateo County and San Jose. I wonder about the integrity of such corporation such as Safeway that waited for a law to ban plastic bags, rather than take the initiative themselves and had the bags banned years ago. At any rate it is the small steps such as these where we as a people can make green progress on an individual basis. To effectively clean-up the ocean we need to stop adding material to the garbage pile, so plastic bag bans are a step in the right direction! A recent study just concluded after 22 years by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) found prodigious amounts of plastic debris and other debris in the Monterey Canyon. Fifty percent of the garbage found consisted of plastic bags. I would bet most of them are from the large chain retail outlets found all over the world.
It's time we question our own apathy and put the brakes on
corporations and individuals driven by insatiable greed on a
collision course to earths destruction and the elimination of
life on this planet.
Who owns this planet? Nobody owns earth, we are caretakers
entrusted to protect our planet for future generations of all
life forms.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Beaches: Change is a Constant!
Beach 3-33 (FMR) Tide 0.5' Feb 2, 2012
Beach 3-33 (FMR) Tide 2.2' June 1, 2008
A common observation by BW volunteers is how their particular beach dramatically changes from month to month. Of course tide effects are an obvious force for change as beaches range from wide expanses at low tide to impassible sections during high tides. The deposition of sand is another factor that is constantly changing and sculpting the beaches. Other factors are rock slides, erosion and beach retreat. To illustrate this point I've chosen beach 3-33 in the FMR located about 1 mile south of The Moss Beach Distillery restaurant. The photo dated Feb 2, 2012 shows the south boundary of 3-33 looking north. The tide is fairly low and there are only small rocks present on this beach so traversing it is fairly easy. I should note that about 3/4 of a mile further north is Distillery Point. There are large boulders in this area and it is very difficult to maneuver thru this section. So to see 3-33 as above is a relief, knowing there is some easy going before the difficult Distillery Point area.
Beach 3-33, Tide 1.4' October 12, 2012
The photo dated June 1, 2008 shows the same beach after much sand has disappeared exposing many rocks and boulders. It's not an easy trek thru this kind of rock field as one has to be constantly aware of ones footing. This makes the survey more difficult but it's not as bad as it can get. Adding algae to the mix makes this down right treacherous. Algae appears the time of year that sand is minimal July-October and the rocks and boulders are exposed. Now rocks are covered in slippery algae in some cases just coating the rocks and in others algae is several feet deep above the rocks.
Beach 3-33 Tide 2.2' Sept 14, 2011
As can be seen in the distance are some very high cliffs that are continuously retreating, which is a nice word for crumbling onto the beach. Often time in this area due to rocks, boulders, and the tide line, we are forced to traverse closer toward the cliff face. The cliffs are constantly sloughing and sometimes significant rock falls occur. Needless to say it's a hazardous area and we try not to dally there but pass by as quickly as possible. Did I mention this is a volunteer job?
Beach 3-33 Tide -1.3' May 17, 2010
The final photo Feb 4, 2010 shows a very large recent slide that nearly blocked the whole beach. BW volunteers in the foreground are Jack Sutton and Melissa Dubose. Further in the back ground is BW volunteer Peter White.
Beach 3-33 Tide 0.8' Feb 4, 2010