Thursday, January 23, 2025

 Tech-Giveth Taketh Away

I use Chromecast on my Sony TV screen in my bedroom, to display the screen saver when not casting. The screen saver changes pictures about once per minute. On the screen is a clock and temperature display. At 79 my eyesight is not great, the clock size has been a large readable size since I first added Google Home! Today my clock size became miniature, not readable for old eyes. Sooo this seems like an easy fix, any junior high kid could easily set the code for this. I'm now about an hour into this task with zero results. The Google Home App..... no useful information, Google search, the usual dead ends, IPhone settings, zilch information. So how else am I going to waste my time today, I have no patience for nonsense, so as usualLY the case, I'll just live with it. Tech-Giveth Taketh Away!